
Masmoudi, Mohamed

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Avec une solide formation académique acquise en Orient et enOccident, le oudiste Mohamed Masmoudi puise son inspiration tant dans lamusique savante que dans le jazz et les musiques métissées. Son parcours riche,diversifié et audacieux témoigne de « la maîtrise de son patrimoine musical etcelle des musiques modernes qui le passionnent » (Alain Brunet, La Presse). Sescompositions lui ont valu plusieurs prix, notamment celui du meilleur groupe del’année dans la catégorie « Musique du monde» aux Prix de musique folkcanadienne.


Mohamed Masmoudi is a musician with a distinct point of view.Mastering many instruments, including the bass, guitar, and oud, as well asmastering many musical genres and international music styles, he creates musicthat merges his Mediterranean musical heritage with a unique modern sound.

Masmoudi’s versatility is a result of his education: studying for 5 years atthe Conservatory in Tunisia, classically trained at Université de Moncton inNew Brunswick, taught by renown lute player Michel Cardin and composer Dr.Richard Gibson, and playing bass guitar with his jazz quartet So What, withwhom he released his first album.

As a composer, Masmoudi released the critically acclaimed “Zanneh” by SokounTrio, winning them the World Music Artist of the Year Award at the CanadianFolk Music Awards. He has penned the score for the documentary, Mes soeurs, lesmusulmanes and has been involved in various productions across the globe,including Shahrazede the Musical, Cavalia as an invited artist for Abu Dhabitour in 2014.

Based in Montreal, today Masmoudi performs across the world. Whilecontinuously exploring new projects, Masmoudi continues to teach, compose, andcraft accessible and sophisticated music.